Happy Wednesday everyone! I feel like a broken record over here bringing up lack of time and already surprised that it is the third day of the work week but come on now.... My busy weeks have been rolling over each weekend creating what has been one of the busiest months for me EVER! I am super grateful and feel so beyond blessed for all the projects and new ventures that the Mr. and I have going on, but what I would give to feel bored and domestic for just one afternoon.
Whenever the seasons change the Mr. and I like to spruce up our home with a little rearranging to get inspired and see some new light. In the past few months we have taken rearranging to the next level by swapping different rooms in our house. It gives you that 'we just moved' feeling. We recently moved our bedroom into what used to be my old project room in the house, which gives me insane closet space, and we have made our living room a large practice studio for the Mr. and his band.
I love love love taking a peek inside the homes of others. I love seeing the unique details of how people decorate, what you collect and how you organize your closet. I recently stumbled across these pictures of Chloe Sevigny's NY apartment and fell in love with the effortless character that surrounds her.