You know what they say... You can't wear white after Labor Day. Well, good thing I only wear black! With that... I am SO ready for Fall! Vacation time is over and it's time to get ready for the Holidays... and by Holidays I mean what is only known as 'Retail Holiday Season' ... A six month block from September 1st to March 1st jammed pack with every major holiday. Also known as, see ya in March! lol. What can I say, I love it... I mean, you either work in the industry or you don't. I'm totally ready for the hectic schedule and little down time. The MR. and I take full advantage of any down time we have, we love getting sidetracked on the weekends... Staying an extra night at our favorite hotel, searching for vintage records and clothing, diner dining, and of course, me forcing a million couples selfies on him. le sigh. Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!