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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How I Wore It // The Black Lace Cardigan

Hello there! I was so excited that the first day of Fall was last Friday that I immediately wanted to layer myself in sweaters, scarves and boots...but its feeling a little more like Summer than Fall in my area of California. Needless to safe I am enjoying the transitions of the season and can't wait for Fall to really start! This is how I wore the vintage black lace cardigan.

Vintage Black Lace Cardigan available HERE
Shop more from Hella Vintage!


  1. ummm can I borrow this entire outfit? i friggin love it. you've got the look - now following ;)

    xxx theSIREN, a.k.a. Selena Cruz

  2. Great flared jeans! I'm psyched for fall too. Get out them boots!

  3. OMG love this outfit! Those ringssssssss <3 <3 <3
