Hello hello! Happy Wednesday everyone! Ok, so I know I sound mental but I threw out all the donuts and sweets this morning! Why would I do this you ask? Well, I have a major sugar problem….the problem is, I LOVE IT! I am aware that there is sugar in practically everything we consume on a daily basis even if frosting is not included, however I go above and beyond the regular sugar and consume delicious sweet treats pretty much everyday…donuts, cookies, cupcakes, you name it, I want it. The really sad part about all this is that I can tell that my body is craving sugar and I can tell when I am hitting HIGHS and LOWS throughout my day due to my sugar intake. Every week I usually commit to give up sugar and that lasts maybe three days until I lose it and have to go buy Hostess mini crumb donuts. So here I am again ready to give up sugar…and this sudden middle of the week motivation has sprung due to an insightful post from Danielle of Sometimes Sweet. She’s so right on about everything she mentions and I can totally relate. She has given helpful tips and is even posting a sugar-free challenge on her blog that she is trying to get readers on board with to start Monday. I AM SO DOING THIS, and for real this time!
I am not worried about the delicious foods I will give up because I have already been omitting the crap from my diet. A few months back I gave up dairy all the way and I have never felt better and will not go back! Well I shouldn’t say I gave it up all the way…I still consume baked goods with dairy. So I guess I am on my way to full veganism since I already do not eat meat.
Ok, so back to my point…So I am going to start the sugar-free challenge on Monday and thought I’d get a slight head start by deleting baked goods from my diet for the rest of the week. This will be a challenge in itself but I feel that it will help me do a better job at my complete sugar-free challenge for next week. This way it’s not quitting so much ‘cold turkey’ but more as weaning myself.
As for starting today, I know myself and if I am game for something I must do it right away or else the momentum comes to a halt along with the motivation. So what is the first thing I see in my inbox this morning…The Girl Scout Cookie order form is going around town. Also, Friday I am attending two birthday parties, which more than likely will include cakes of some sort and then a very special friend of mine is coming over on Sunday and usually every time we see each other we bake and eat some kind of treat…I hope I make it! Actually, I know I will! Pop in on me and see how i'm doing later on twitter.
Looking forward to starting clean and fresh on Monday!
Is a life without sugar worth living? I sure hope so. I admit that I consume a lot of garbage, but I balance it with enough healthy stuff that I can still get through a yoga class and stay awake without caffeine. That's about as good as i will ever get. ;)